Three scenarios for South Africa’s energy crisis: the good, the bad and the likely
South African businesses can be forgiven for feeling like they’re in a movie where the actors are on strike, the script has been lost, and the director has left the set. What are the good, the bad and the likely scenarios for our country’s dire energy situation? We asked the Power Futures Lab (PFL) at UCT’s Graduate School of Business to offer an expert view on where we might be heading.
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Farayi Kambarani at the UCT GSB ARW2023
Farayi Kambarami is a Supply Chain Planning, Data and Analytics professional with over 25 years of experience in various roles within these fields.
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For tech to change Africa’s fortunes, we have to understand our context
Buhle Goslar, an MBA graduate from the UCT GSB, shows how business can use technology to make headway in Africa and turn around the continent’s digital and human fortunes.
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Cyber security: a critical risk that’s only set to get worse
The Transnet cyber-attack should sound a warning bell to vulnerable State Owned Enterprises and private sector firms that have been slow to beef up their cyber security systems. The alarming rise in ransomware attacks means many are only one click away from disaster.
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Q&A with Siphosethu Komani on the future of startups in Africa
The UCT GSB's Solution Space recently entered phase two of their annual E-Track Programme, in partnership with Ayoba. We spoke to Siphosethu Komani, about how the programme prepares its cohorts to be agile in the face of future shocks.
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COVID-19 has nudged youth development towards 4IR, but gaps remain
The COVID-19 pandemic has spurred organisations working in youth development to find new ways to reach their young audiences through technology, but without the basics in place, many of these solutions are doomed to remain isolated examples of excellence.
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UCT GSB graduate is banking on his country’s future
MCom alumnus, Mutemwa Ushewokunze, has returned to Zimbabwe after 20 years abroad, to help take the country’s banking sector to the next tech level.
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Championing a made-in-Africa approach
He is passionate about the continent that birthed him, and so Sylvester Taku, who heads up the South African operations of the only smartphone manufacturer in Africa is keen to do his bit to promote development on the continent.
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Is design thinking an endangered species in the future of work?
With the loss of shared spaces due to the pandemic and a shift toward remote working, the practice of design thinking will need to adapt so that we can continue to harness its power to co-create and solve problems.
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UCT GSB accelerator guides entrepreneurs through pandemic
Battered by COVID-19 lockdown, fledgeling entrepreneurs needed all the help they could get in 2020; the Solution Space at the UCT GSB quickly went online to make sure they were not left out in the cold.
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Turning a tech innovation into a viable business
Why do so many tech startups fail? Shiela Yabo, Programme Manager at the UCT GSB’s Solution Space, recently gave a presentation at the Africa Tech Festival, where she addressed this and other questions around launching a successful tech startup, particularly as a woman.
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As COVID-19 gets more people working from home, cybercriminals zoom in
The COVID-19 pandemic is accelerating digital trends to change our very notions of work and office. This presents both opportunities and threats - particularly when it comes to cybersecurity.
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Helping students bridge the digital divide in the time of COVID-19
Three MBA graduates from the University of Cape Town Graduate School of Business (UCT GSB) are spearheading a campaign by Cape Town Education Technology fundraising start-up Feenix, to raise R6.6 million to get laptops, food vouchers and connectivity to final year and graduate students during COVID-19 — ultimately ensuring these students make it into the South African workforce.
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It's the 80s rewind - but with internet
South Africa needs to seize the opportunities for digitisation which have emerged as a result of the COVID-19 crisis, in order to thrive in the new global economy.
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Can the coming digital tsunami carry Africa to higher ground?
There is growing evidence that digitalisation could create new opportunities particularly for innovative entrepreneurs, and bring more inclusive growth through real job creation if the right choices are made.
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High-tech and old-school: a winning combination for success - Chad Bartlett (PGDip)
Chad Bartlett, Director of Partnerships at tech company, Grove, describes his time at the UCT GSB, where he completed a PGDip, as a life-changing experience.
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Playing the long game - Stanley Vorsatz (MBA)
It was while doing his MBA that Stanley Vorsatz began to understand his strengths and weaknesses more clearly, a lesson worth the cost of admission itself. Now he’s putting that learning to good use in his own company.
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Q&A with Phathizwe Malinga (EMBA) on the Internet of Things
A digital future has the potential to improve the quality of life for all South Africans but requires that companies transform their business models to take advantage of it, says UCT GSB EMBA alumnus Phathizwe Malinga.
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