ARTICLES BY Kumeshnee West

Five tips for business leaders in the COVID-accelerated knowledge economy
The COVID-19 pandemic has created a business environment that demands a different kind of leader to ensure organisations are able to adapt and thrive.
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Beyond lip service, how do we create more inclusive workplaces?
In South Africa and globally, companies are struggling to put a commitment to diversity and inclusion into practice.
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Bold measures necessary to make up for women’s losses during COVID-19
As the world commemorates International Women’s Day on 8 March — this year hashtagged #ChooseToChallenge — countries must take stock of the setbacks working women have suffered over the COVID-19 pandemic, and imagine new ways forward.
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It’s only small talk - but losing it may cost businesses big time
As lockdowns prevent teams from having their organic face-to-face interactions and ‘water-cooler’ conversations, critical skills are being lost with knock-on effects for productivity and employee wellbeing. Here are four ways managers and leaders can counteract the trend.
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In a world impacted by COVID-19, women leaders can make the difference
The disruption brought on by the global COVID-19 pandemic may be seen by some companies as an excuse to dial back on diversity and inclusion - but this would be a mistake as studies show women handle crises better.
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Mastering the art of the virtual meeting
Getting the most out of virtual meetings demands more than a mastery of new tech, it’s about creating human connections across the digital ether.
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How to get women into the boardroom faster
While breaking into the male-dominated world of senior management is tough, there are a few things women can do to make it easier for themselves while climbing the corporate ladder — all the way to the top.
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Five New Year’s resolutions that will boost your career in 2020
A new decade is about to arrive amidst economic turmoil and political challenges, industry changes and uncertainties - globally as well as in South Africa. Set yourself up for success in 2020 with these five resolutions.
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Professional women inch forward in the fight for gender equality
More women are reaching senior levels of management in business than ever before, with the pay gap between men and women also shrinking, but this does not mean that the struggle women face in getting to the top is over.
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Where will you be when an AI machine is sitting on the Board?
Industry 4.0 is redefining business and restructuring organisations; so what skills do you need to have as a manager to stay relevant?
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