Partnering with the world’s leading business schools
The UCT GSB is proud to be part of a strong international academic community – one which celebrates diversity, encourages exchange and fosters collaboration.
EMBA Exchange Opportunities
UCT GSB Executive MBA students can participate in an EMBA Global Network week at any one of our 31 Global Network partner schools.
Global Network Weeks give UCT GSB EMBA students the opportunity to pursue intensive study at another network school, in a focused course that leverages the perspectives, programs, and faculty expertise of that school – tuition-free. Alongside their counterparts from elsewhere in the network, students attend classes, tour local businesses, and meet with experts focused on current business problems.
The EMBA Global Network Week takes place annually in June. UCT GSB EMBA students can apply to participate in any of the EMBA GN weeks offered at one of our 31 Global Network partner schools around the world. Each school offers a week focused on a specific topic designed to address the current challenges senior-level professionals may face in their respective fields. Topics on offer during previous EMBA Global Network Weeks can be found here: